Winter is Coming…Check your Tires
As the weather has quickly become quite cold in the Midwest, now is the time to check your tires and make sure you are ready for Winter! We are approaching November and the last thing you want to do is find yourself with bad tires in the first snow of the season. Maybe your tread seems fine…but have you considered how old your tires are? As tires age, they become like old rubber bands and they can quickly start deteriorating. We have researched the issue and according to sources such as, experts believe you should change tires that are approximately six years old. This number can fluctuate depend on the kind of driving you typically do, the climate where you live and where you store your vehicle. We have very hot summers in the MidWest and this can decrease the life of your tires as well. To determine the age of your tires, check for a four-digit DOT code on either the outside or the inside of the tire. With this number, you can te...