The Negotiator
When you think about going out to buy a new or used car, one of the concerns you may have probably revolves around the process of negotiations. There are some tips you can follow to learn how to become a professional negotiator so you can keep your focus on the goal of car ownership. According to NADA there are four rules of negotiating you should learn in order to stream-line this process. The first step in negotiating is to do your homework. Doing your homework involves many different steps. Some important things to consider include; determining what you need, what you can afford, how you want to purchase (buy or lease), and read the reviews on the car make and model of your choice. Step two is to get a quote. You can submit price quote requests online or you can contact a dealer via phone, or in person. Many experts suggest contacting through email first so you can get a good feel for the communication style of your sales representative. ...