Toyota Corolla Green Driving Tips
As prices at the pump soar, everyone seems to be looking for ways to improve their vehicle’s fuel economy. Today, we will take a look at six easy ways to do just that. 1. Lighten Your Load – The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that an extra one hundred pounds of weight will decrease your fuel economy by up to 2%. That means you need to take a look at what you are carrying around and lighten your load. 2. Pay Attention to Your Tires – Be sure your tires are properly maintained. By simply keeping your tires properly inflated you will increase your fuel efficiency by up to 3%. (According to the Environmental Protection Agency) 3. Slow Down – Reducing your speed will decrease your gas mileage. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, speeding, accelerating, and braking abruptly will decrease your car’s efficiency by 33%. 4. Car Pooling – Share the commute with others by carpooling. This is a great option for those who have a group of co-worke...