Driver Monitoring Devices
Adding your teenage driver to your auto insurance plan will certainly raise the cost. In fact, your teen happens to be a boy you may be in for the biggest price hike of all. It’s no secret that teen drivers cost more to insure; boys costing more than girls. This is simply due to the fact that they have the least driving experience and because of that are at the highest risk for being involved in an auto accident. In this day and age of highly sophisticated technology there are devices which track vehicle information as your teen is driving. These devices will transmit data from the vehicle to a computer viewable by the parent at an alternate location. There are also devices which will set limitations on the vehicle such as, the volume of the radio, the top speed of the car, etc. These have all been designed to encourage teens to travel safely and minimize distractions while driving. If your teen begins their driving career with a clean record and continues to do so over a period of time, their cost to insure will naturally decrease.
You can obtain a Teen Monitoring device for your vehicle for just $150- $250. It may be worth the investment in order to, not only keep track of your teen’s driving habits, but also to reduce your insurance rate as soon as possible. Also, if your teen is driving a vehicle known for safety they will cost less to insure.
New and used Toyota cars and trucks St. Louis are all known for their incredible safety features. Because of their current designs these vehicles are also very appealing to younger drivers.
You can obtain a Teen Monitoring device for your vehicle for just $150- $250. It may be worth the investment in order to, not only keep track of your teen’s driving habits, but also to reduce your insurance rate as soon as possible. Also, if your teen is driving a vehicle known for safety they will cost less to insure.
New and used Toyota cars and trucks St. Louis are all known for their incredible safety features. Because of their current designs these vehicles are also very appealing to younger drivers.
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