New Trends With Younger Generations

Toyota Dealer in St Louis for Gen Y
If you are in the market for a new Toyota Corolla in St. Louis, then you are among a new group of trending Americans searching for value and class.  A recent article from Motortrend, points to statistics that are showing the younger generation, also known as GenY, are driving less and demanding smaller and less expensive vehicles.  Smart phones; high speed Internet and the like have the technology world beaming with new gadgets. The article points out that GenY would rather spend their money on this type of new and emerging technology, than bigger vehicles with more features and benefits.The article states, “youth fetishize smartphones, the Internet, and keeping in touch with friends via Facebook from their loft apartments in “walkable” cities.  Cars? Not so much.”

One reason for this change could be that The Great Recession affected the ability for 16-34 year olds to find gainful employment that would allow them the luxury of having their proverbial cake and eating it to. They simply cannot afford both, so they are opting for the technology.  In addition, statistics are showing that younger people are moving to cities where walking to their destinations rather than driving. There is good news in all of this.  At Weiss Toyota, we can help you find the right car, whether you want a smaller, more economical version, or the loaded SUV.  Our experts are here to help you determine what type of car best suits your budget and driving needs.  Be sure to stop in today to meet with one of our experts. We will discuss your options and needs. You will be driving a great car in no time at all.


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