Tire Pressure Directly Effects Efficiency

Toyota Tire Center
Lets Us Check Your Tires
There are many factors taken into consideration when it comes to fuel efficiency. Many would agree, and it has been proven, that Toyota cars are known for their ability to achieve the highest in fuel efficiency. Their Prius is the most popular hybrid model on the market. However, their sedan models are some of the most efficient on the market. In order to properly calculate fuel efficiency all factors must be taken into account. There are several owner habits which could drastically reduce the efficiency of a vehicle.

For instance, aggressive driving can reduce engine efficiency. Just as well, poor vehicle maintenance can greatly reduce efficiency. Even having extra items in the vehicle can drive down efficiency efforts. However, a commonly overlooked factor is the vehicle’s tire pressure. Properly inflated tires are a must for several reasons. Tires that are under inflated cause added stress to the steering and suspension of a vehicle, force the engine to work harder to propel the vehicle, and ultimately reduce the efficiency.

It is a good idea to get into the habit of checking the pressure of your tires on a regular basis. Failing to do so, can have grave effects on your vehicle’s systems and your efficiency. Many aim to check their tire pressure each time they fill their gas tank. Since filling up the tank is done fairly often you would be able to keep the pressure from falling low enough to have an ill effect. Waiting until a tire is noticeably low leaves you extremely vulnerable to having a blown tire while traveling down the road. In addition, you will spend much more on fuel had you simply been checking the pressure regularly.


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