Holiday Travel in Your Fuel Efficient Camry


Your Fuel Efficient Camry

As you set out on your holiday travels, you will probably be looking for ways to save money on fuel.  There are many different theories out there on how you can save money and become more fuel efficient.  It is sometimes difficult to decipher what really does have the potential to save you and what is probably a waste of your time in the long run.  After researching some of the experts in the field, we have come to a few conclusions on the driving habits that really have the potential to save you big and others that may not save as much but are still worth the effort.  After extensive studies conducted by, this is what they found:

Your best money saving behind the wheel comes from driving moderately.  Sounds simple right?  Well, you might be surprised of how much of an “aggressive” driver you actually are.  If you simply avoid taking off from stop signs too harshly and from stomping on the brakes you can see an average savings of 31 percent.
Also helpful in saving money is by lowering your speeds on longer trips.  This may come particularly in handy for those of you traveling to see family over the holiday season.  This doesn’t mean you have to go 10 miles an hour below the flow of traffic, but just going the speed limit is a good start!  Simply driving the limit has the potential of saving you an average of 12 percent.

Visit your local new

Toyota Camry St. Louis dealer

for the best experience in fuel efficiency you will find in the market.  The new Toyota Camry is an award winning model and better yet…it is affordable and desired by buyers of all ages.  You will love the new features built in for the 2014 models.  Come take a test drive today!  Check back for more fuel saving steps.


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