Toyota Still Combats Distracted Driving

new and used Toyota St. Louis dealerDistracted driving is still a hot topic as the news rooms continue to be flooded with incident after incident where drivers were involved in an accident due to a pre-occupation with something other than the road.  A recent news report even talked about the number of incidents of “distracted walkers” flooding emergency rooms all across the country.  When is enough, enough?  Well, Toyota recently conducted a public poll to see how often their followers admit to taking part in distracted driving.  They found that “on average, texting while driving takes your eyes off the road for the length of a football field, so you are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash.”

The sad reality is if you knew you were 23 times more likely to get cancer from eating an apple, you would probably stop eating apples.  Why is this new age of instant-communication so much worth the risk?  Are you guilty of texting while driving?  Be honest! … Toyota challenges you to stop while you are still ahead.  If you are lucky enough to be accident free from such distractions, you are just that…lucky.  If statistics are true, and you text and drive, it is only a matter of time before you too are involved in such an incident that could be easily avoided.

Your local new and used Toyota St. Louis dealer wants you to be safe on the road.  We support efforts to reduce incidents related to distracted driving and we highly recommend avoiding it at all costs.  Stop at a local business or pull to the side of the road if you need to read or respond to a message right away.  The few extra minutes it will cost you will be worth your life in the long run.


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